Monday, January 30, 2012

Methods of Communication

Elements of Communication
People must learn to communicate so that they can teach other people to communicate so that they can teach other people to learn. Many times this happens through visual learning.  People can communicate through pictures, body language, words, and writing. Over the years styles of communicating have even evolved from solely pictures, to writing, to computer chats. Learning to communicate is important because you can fail to relate your point to another individual if you don’t know how to communicate in their way. Technology has helped to improve this problem by providing people with many different kinds of communicating tools right at their fingertips. However, if computers aren’t available, the easiest form of communicating is still through pictures. Even if a person doesn’t speak another person’s language, pictures or drawings still relay the message pretty well. Communicating correct, unbiased information got people can be accomplished if the people speaking or relaying the information can do it in a clear fashion.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Visual Learning Continued

From the time that we are born we have been mimics. Believe it or not we have copied what we have seen from someone else and made it our own from since we learned to say our first words or what type of clothes to put on the next day. We learn from each other everyday whether it is the mistakes we make as people or what the hard teacher called life throws at us everyday. Since the first day we could open our eyes we could see certain things like people walking, which laid the foundation for one to take their first steps. Then you see people talking which showed us a form of communication rather than just crying and wailing so someone could get our attention. Forget what others have taught you everything we do in life is through visual learning and for the most part does not come naturally. If you were brought up by animals, lets say you were raised by wolves would you basically start speaking English or any international native tongue if A. you never heard before and B. you never seen a human being in your life. The answer is unmistakably no. For the most part you would first and foremost act like a wolf you would try to howl like one, hunt one, and necessarily survive like one and not like a human being. There is one thing that comes natural to us humans and that is learning and surviving. As human beings we use an ability to grasp things and learn what we need to know purposely so we can't survive. We must learn the lessons of one touches the stove while it is hot you will get burned and by demonstrating that you will learn not to touch the stove again. We learn from each other by communication. If one sees another do wrong chances are the person that witnessed that wrong being done probably won't try that same action that their counterpart just used. We learn from each other by not other communication but by social norms and taboos. The folkways and norms we have learned since we kids did not just fall out the sky, they were developed over time by other human beings who thought that it was either acceptable or unacceptable. We know from learning from different social norms that for example, if it was 95 degrees outside you would wear a sweater, now naturally of course if you wore a sweater in 95 degree whether you would feel it but that is not the point. The point is that you learned that is not the social norm to do it not because you'll pass out if you do it but because you would learn that it would not be favorable among your peers. So we learn lots of things from each other as human beings. Some things good. A lot more bad but one thing we can't say is that we are all individuals because for the simple fact that since we were small we were know as copycats and nothing else.

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog

Visual learning