Monday, April 30, 2012

Quality assurance and Quality control

Quality assurance: refers to the planned and systematic activities implemented in a quality system so that quality requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled.
There are two principles included in QA: "Fit for purpose" in English , the product should be suitable for the intended purpose ; and "Right first time", the mistakes should be eliminated. QA includes management of the quality of raw materials, assemblies products and components, services related to production and management, production , and inspection processes

Quality Control: is a short process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production
QC has three aspects :
1. elements such as controls, job management, defined and well managed processes, performance and integrity criteria, and identification of records.
2. competence
3. Soft elements, such as personal integrity.

controls include product inspection where every product is examined visually.

MITOCHondrial EVE!!!!

Mitochondrial eve has been known to a lot of people to be the descendant of all humans black, white, Asian, Hispanic, and all races derive from. in the field of human genetics refers to the most common ancestor of modern humans. Mitochondrial Eve is the mother of all races, she is the mother of all humans today. But here is the kicker Mitochondrial Eve is not from male descendants but are descendants from ones mother side. Mitochondrial DNA  is passed from mother to offspring without recombination, all mitochondrial DNA in every living person is directly descended from the maternal side
. Mitochondrial Eve is the female counterpart of Y-chromosomal Adam the patrimonial and the most recent common ancestor. Mitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived around 200,000 years ago most likely in east Africa. 


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Phlogiston Theory

The phlogison theory was put forward in 1667 by Johann Joachim Becher as an attempt to explain the combustion process and the rusting of metals both of which are now known as oxidation.

The Phlogiston theory said all flammable substance had phlogiston within them. It was something that did not have any color, smell, taste or mass that was released upon burning. After everything was burned, only then would the dephologisticated, substance would take its true form.

Animal testing harmful really......BUT it is.

Many say that animal testing is wrong or cruel or unethical by some standards in which they are right. Many cynics might say that if one can't test on animals then would you rather them test on humans? which as human beings we look to better options if we have the best minds in science as we say we do.  Not only are results obtained from animal testing unreliable, but animal testing puts animals through a lot of unnecessary suffering. There are a lot of tests that present harmful elements for animals:

The Draize Eye Test
This test is used to test shampoos, weed-killers, pesticides, household detergents and riot natural gases. The substances are applied to the eyes of conscious rabbits in order to test irritancy. Apart from the cruelty of this test, a rabbit's eye is a bad model and there are major differences between a rabbit's eye and a human eye.

The LD50
Rabbits, dogs, cats, mice and guinea pigs are used in the LD50 test and it's used to test lipsticks, skin-care products such as moisturisers and cleaners, shampoos and nail polish. The LD50 test (Lethal Dose 50 percent) is administered by introducing the ingredients under investigation into the animal via the mouth or intravenously.

Skin Test for Toxicity
Rats are used in this test. Their fur is shaved and the substance to be tested is applied thickly to the exposed skin.

Many say that these innovations involving animals have helped humans use products significantly but it is not right to harm animals period!.
  1. reasons why animal testing is wrong: It's unethical to sentence 100 million thinking, feeling animals to life in a laboratory cage and intentionally cause them pain, loneliness, and fear.
  2. It's bad science. The Food and Drug Administration reports that 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans.
  3. It's wasteful. Animal experiments prolong the suffering of people waiting for effective cures by misleadinexperimenters and squandering precious money, time, and resources that could have been spent on human-relevant research. 
  4. It's archaic. Forward-thinking scientists have developed humane, modern, and effective non-animal research methods, including human-based microdosing, in vitro technology, human-patient simulators, and sophisticated computer modeling, that are cheaper, faster, and more accurate than animal tests.
  5. The world doesn't need another eyeliner, hand soapfood ingredient, drug for erectile dysfunction, or pesticide so badly that it should come at the expense of animals' lives.

The Cruelty of Animal Testing